Bible Study 2: Helps For Daily Life





Having a Bible based, theologically correct, and God inspired, ongoing Bible Study at our fingertips which is always going on and close at hand is a tremendous help ,not only to us individually, but also to our families, friends and neighbors.


Every one of us faces issues in life each day, which we expect or are a total surprise to us.  Sometimes, even though some of us may be well versed in the Scriptures we have read and studied all our lives, we need a sort of kick in the pants to help us come back to reality and remember who God is and to whom we belong,


The format of these studies is a little different from previous studies.  They will not be so much Question and Answer studies as they will be straight forward and “in your face” truths from the Bible and commentaries from me as the Lord has shown me the applications of these truths as they apply to daily life.  Some may say they are Sermons, but believe me, if they were sermons they would be a lot different from what I am presenting.  There will be some negative applications and there will be some positive, depending on the subject.  However, nothing stated or written is intended to offend; only to encourage us all to follow the path God has for us in order to please Him. However, if the Holy Spirit touches your heart in a matter and you are offended then that is another matter all together.




 It is my true conviction that we should do all we do “as unto the Lord.”  He is the One for whom we are living and He is the One we are to honor with our lives.  I want us each to pick out the main truths that apply to our own lives and apply them.  I want us to thank God for the areas where we are conformed to His image.  For those who are hurting I pray God will apply His healing by the Holy Spirit as you ponder these thoughts.  For those who are in some area of doubt I pray God will give you peace, confidence, and take away all doubt.  For those who do not know Jesus, I pray that you will come out of the darkness of sin into the Light of Jesus Christ and receive Him as your Lord and Savior.  I put a lot of emphasis there in every study because of what Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-, “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?  and in thy name done many wonderful works?  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me ,  ye that work iniquity.”


If you need more help in this area please go to the Bible Study Title Page “ETERNAL LIFE” and you should find the help you need.  Please send me an email and respond to me with any comment, question, or need you may have.  Also, please let me know of any decision you make in Christian life or of your decision for Christ at


Be sure and go to Sunday School and Worship Service and listen to your Pastor preach the Word this Sunday and do not forget to TITHE from your gross income – that is your first fruits.  Honor the Lord in all you do.  Remember everything you have and are belongs to the Lord and on loan to you – so manage it well!