Helps for Daily Life 10









Matthew 21. 1-9   The Donkey Made the Difference

Prepared by Frank Denning Palm Sunday




As we look at Matthew Chapter 21 and verses 1-9, I want us to look back to the First Palm Sunday of history with a study on a few thoughts entitled, "The Donkey Made The Difference."


Don’t you just love vacations? Vacation means a lot of different things to different people. Some people like to be on the go constantly. They want to be on the beach, or on a hiking trail, at some big sports event, or shopping constantly. When I was a child growing up in Eastern North Carolina going to the beach was always wonderful but a real highlight was going to the mountains. Being raised forty miles East of Raleigh we didn’t get to see mountains. I lived out in the country but in our home town we had an overhead bridge that crossed over a railroad track and it was known as the “Big Hill.” There was a “Big Hill” near our town Doctor Jones’ home which we always admired. That was as close to a mountain as we could find. Of course there was the “Cliffs of the Neuse River where people would go and hike and have outings. One would have to be raised in that part of the state to really appreciate how thrilling it was to go to the mountains. Nevertheless, people, where ever they go for vacation seem to want to be as busy as possible in order to take advantage of every minute of free time they have before returning to work. However, often some of those vacations can be more demanding and stressful than work and we can come home more tired than when we left.


There are people who have their Motor Homes, others have their campers, and others have their tents where they rough it and call that vacation. Sometimes people rent places to stay while on vacation and it doesn’t turn out to be very comfortable. Sometimes the place may have mildew in the bath, roaches in the cabinets, mice in the bedrooms, pill-bugs everywhere you turn. To me that would be, and at times has been very disappointing. I asked my Mom and Dad once if they would like to travel in a motor home or have a camper and they told me that to them “Camping is a nice room in a Holiday Dome or in a Timeshare somewhere.”


When I go on vacation I want to relax and enjoy vacation. I don’t want any demands, I don’t want any schedules, (except for meals and tide changes if I’m at the beach and I plan to fish) and I don’t want any expectations. I like it when everyone can just go and do as they please and have fun. In my younger years I enjoyed tent camping and taking in the out of doors and I still enjoy that to an extent. However, as I have aged, I don't care to much about roughing it any more. My idea of roughing it is a motel 6 with good AC and Satellite T. V in the summer. If I am on the beach, I like to have a 12X12 canopy to sit under when the sun start blazing down and I like a comfortable recliner seat to sit on rather than that sand that gets into places that seem to rub you raw before you can get a shower.


There have been times when I have been disappointed when I arrived at my destination and what I had expected was not in line at all with what really was happening. I heard about a man who was driving his car the Saturday before Easter and thought he had run over and killed the Easter Bunny. He actually thought that there wasn't going to be an Easter because he killed the Easter Bunny. Well a woman drove by and saw him weeping -standing over what he believed to have been the Easter Bunny. She asked him what was wrong. He said, "I feel terrible. I accidently ran over and killed the Easter Bunny. What should I do?" The Woman told the man not to worry. She knew exactly what to do. She went to her car and pulled out a spray can. She walked over to the limp, dead Bunny and sprayed the entire contents of the can onto the little furry animal. Miraculously, the Easter Bunny came back to life – jumped up and hopped on down the road. Fifty yards away – he turned around – waved – and hopped down the road another fifty yards and waved. He went another fifty yards and waved again. Needless to say, the man was astonished. He turned to the woman and asked, "What was in your spray can?" The woman turned the can around so  the man could read the label. It said: "Hair spray. Restores life to dead hair. Adds permanent wave."


Putting all humor aside, I want to tell you that Palm Sunday was a time of confusion and disappointment for many for various reasons. Place yourself in the Jewish crowd in 1st Century Jerusalem. The town is electrified, much like New Years Eve in New York’s Time Square before the ball drops. The crowds were swarming outside the city and on the road leading into Jerusalem, were elbow to elbow. There was a rumor going around that the Messiah, the deliverer for whom they had been waiting is finally here. Everyone is sure it's him because they have heard all about the many stories concerning the things He has done. Just a few days ago they heard through the Jerusalem “grapevine” about a reversal of the death of Lazarus and how Jesus raised him back to life. Word from some was that Lazarus wasn't really dead as had been reported it was just a show. It was reported that Jesus had come 4 days after his good friend had died and raised him from the dead. That it happened is really not surprising to because they have heard of others he has raised back to life, and many of the other miracles He has done. It was also told how that large crowds of people were no longer following Judaism, but were following Jesus. The Jewish nation had been anticipating his arrival for hundreds of years, now He was here, and they have some great expectations of Him! Let's read of the crowds response.


Matthew 21:1-9 (KJV) “ 1And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples,  2Saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me. 3And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them. 4All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying,  5Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass. 6And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them, 7And brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon. 8And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way. 9And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.”




The words “Hosanna in the highest” meant "save our nation NOW!" That was their expectation - they wanted Jesus to save them NOW. They expected He would deliver them from the political and religious oppression of the Roman government. That Palm Sunday was going to be the day they crowned their King! However, something went wrong, something changed drastically. In just a few short days the cheers would turn into jeers. They didn't offer Jesus a crown, but a cross. The only crown they gave him was a crown of thorns. Instead of yelling Hosanna, they were yelling Crucify Him, Crucify Him. Instead of blessing Him, they were cursing Him. What happened? The problem was really simple. Their expectations of Jesus did not line up with what His plan and purpose was about. They had their own agenda and Jesus had His Heavenly Father's agenda in mind. Therefore, because they failed to have their significant expectations realized they really missed the real meaning and purpose of Palm Sunday.


What was the triumphant entry into Jerusalem all about? There is a key to answering that question. The answer is in the simple mode of transportation Jesus used for His grand entranceTHE SIMPLE DONKEY. Look at VV 1-6 again, “And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples, Saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me. And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them. All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass. And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them.”




The crowd in the 1st century did not appreciate the significance Palm Sunday because they missed the point of the donkey –




Several hundred years earlier a prophet named Zechariah had predicted that the Messiah would come in a gentle manner riding on a colt, the foal of a donkey. This really doesn’t seem that big of a deal? On the surface, probably not, but to see such a small event as a divine fulfillment encourages us in two ways.




We can appreciate Palm Sunday because we see God working out his plan to the very smallest detail. This is just one of over 350 prophecies that Jesus Christ fulfilled that are written in the Old Testament. Prophecies including those about his birth, his death, the crowd's reactions, as well as the predictions about a donkey! That is incredible, over 350 plus prophecies.


Peter Stoner in his book Science Speaks, said: If we took just 8 of these 350 prophecies and figured the mathematical probability of all of these being fulfilled in one person, Jesus Christ, the probability would be 1 in 10 to the 17th power.He illustrates this number by taking the entire state of Texas, cover it with silver dollars two feet deep. Mark one of those silver dollars and then blindfold someone and tell them they have to pick up the right silver dollar. What chance would he have of getting the right one? The same chance Jesus would have of fulfilling all of these prophecies if God were not orchestrating the event.




The people missed the significance of Palm Sunday by not seeing the simplicity of the donkey. Most Kings were supposed to ride in on a high-spirited war steed or a beautiful white stallion. That's what the people would have expected, that would have been consistent with their agenda. Nevertheless, Jesus decided to convey His Father's agenda by riding in on a donkey. The beast of burden. The animal of the poor. It was the least of all the riding animals. That day Jesus used the donkey as a symbol, of peace, of humility, of meekness and a symbol of servanthood.




Mark 10:45 reads: “For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister…”


Jesus Christ came to serve people, to be a beautiful mosaic of servanthood. His disciples had a difficult time picking up on this idea.

They were arguing among themselves who would be the greatest. Two brothers, James and John wanted to have the top 2 positions; the other 10 disciples got ticked at them. In the midst of their self magnifying argument Jesus stepped in and said, "whoever wants to be the greatest must first be the servant, and whoever wants to be first has to be the slave of all." He went on to say, "Friends, I didn't come to earth to be served, but to serve.”


That was a hard lesson for the disciples to learn. However, I am sure they remembered those words when they saw Jesus coming into Jerusalem on a donkey. Nevertheless, the crowd greeting Jesus didn't see the significance. It didn't take them long to realize Jesus was not going to live up to their expectations. They wanted a powerful military leader, one who would take control and make the Romans be their slaves, and they didn't want to be slaves of anyone.


Do we see the power in the Life of Jesus? It was truly a life of service. Every step leading to Palm Sunday was paved with servant hood. That was especially true with Jesus: whether it was serving at a wedding, serving the blind, serving those inflicted with leprosy, healing the sick, giving the blind sight, or giving the lame the ability to jump for joy.


In a few days he would further cement this concept of servant hood into the minds of his disciples by washing each and every one's feet. It wouldn't be long before he would show them, and show the entire world his ultimate act of service.




That finality of sacrifice was seen thru His death. The donkey symbolizes servant hood, and the ultimate act of serving someone is when you are willing to give your life for them. Mark 10:45 reads, “For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” In this passage Jesus is predicting not only what will ultimately happen to him, but the reason the crowd who was celebrating him ended up calling for his crucifixion.


They didn't want a servant leader; they wanted a King, a ruler. They said, "we don't want a cross, we want a throne.” “We don't want a spiritual leader, but a political messiah." The crowd didn't see the simplicity of the donkey and because of their blindness they missed the significance of Palm Sunday.


They had their expectations, but Jesus had his purpose. His purpose was to be the Messiah that they needed: The deliverer that was necessary for true freedom, the deliverer for true liberation, and that was to free them spiritually. Maybe you, at times have your own agenda and you've missed God's agenda. Alternatively, we put some conditions into the deal before we will follow God's plan. We tend to get in the flesh and think in our carnal minds “God, I'll follow you when I get this figured out, or when I get this finished, or when I have this or that straightened out.” Sometimes we argue and say, “God I know you have called me. I know I’m supposed to follow you by faith. However, God, I’ve got to know how I’m going to do it first, and then I’ll be ready to go. God, I promise you THEN I’ll do what you want me to do.”


You know, in some ways we’ve been a lot like a donkey, but more in the way of stubbornness than in the symbolism of service.

We've been stubborn, trying to hold on to our expectations, our plans, or our agendas, our ideas. We need to switch to God’s agendas to really appreciate the significance of Palm Sunday.


God has a magnificent plan for everyone of us, which is far above what you and I can imagine or think. It began with his giving his son, Jesus Christ, to be born into this world. The purpose Jesus had on this earth was to serve people and to give his life for them.

Jesus came to give his life for people who mocked him, ridiculed him, spit on him, turned their back on him, and others who were just plain indifferent.


Maybe thru the years we haven't really appreciated the significance of Palm Sunday, and we've fallen into one of these problems in our life. I trust that during this Easter season we will gain a fresh, new appreciation for the Son of God, who came to serve and give his life as a ransom.



To find more help in receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Savior please go to the Bible Study Title Page “ETERNAL LIFE.” Please send me an email and let me know about any decision for Christ you make so that I may pray for you. Feel free to send me any questions, comments, or responses you may have as well. For those who are already Christians I invite you to also please let me know of any decisions you make in your Christian life for Jesus. Please send me your questions, comments, or responses and let me know if the Bible Studies are helping you.




The support of your local Church ministry and the ministry of your Pastor should be the first priority of your Christian life and your service to the Lord. Be faithful to prayerfully prepare and attend Sunday School and Worship Service this Sunday and participate in worship as your Pastor preaches the Word. Do not forget to give the Lord at least your TITHE through your local church from your gross income – that is your first fruits. Any other other giving is an offering to a ministry unto the Lord. Honor the Lord in all you do and with all that you have. Always remember that everything you have and all you are belongs to the Lord. It is on loan to you – so manage it well! There will be an audit one day! Make sure the Books Balance!


All Bible Studies Are Prepared by Pastor Frank Denning And May Be Be Used By Permission.