Lesson 43




Bible Study 1 - Genesis 18



Lesson 43:            Genesis 18.14  IS THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR GOD?


Genesis 18:14(KJV) “Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.” 




Each of us need to ask ourselves a question and it’s a big question, because it comes from a big person – it comes from an Almighty God. The question is the one found right here in Genesis 18:14.  Each of us face situations nearly every day that just seem impossible in our eyes.  We see events taking place and we tend to think things are hopeless.  Circumstances develop personally and professionals say the odds are not in our favor and the future does not look very promising.  The amazing thing is, most of us accept that and we live the remainder of our lives defeated and convinced what we have been told is final and God can do nothing. Sometimes events in our lives are for a purpose and are in God’s plan for our lives but sometimes through prayer God will intervene change things if we only have faith and ask Him and believe that He will. IS THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR GOD? I do not believe there is!


God had told Abraham that as an old man he and his wife Sarah were going to have a child. Abraham and Sarah, who were both far past the age of bearing children began to wonder about this and questioned the Lord.  Lord said to Abraham. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”  That’s a good question isn’t it?  Well I’m going to let Jeremiah answer that question in Jeremiah 32:17.  He said, “Ah Lord God! Behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee.”


Sometimes we wonder why doesn’t God do something about different situations that come up and happen in life.  If we are a mature person in our thinking and reasoning I am sure most of us have had that thought to cross our mind?  As we look at all the starvation, sickness, homelessness, poverty, filth, crime, stench, perversion, rebellion, war, hatred, strife, rape, stealing, arson, unbelief, blasphemy and I could go on and on, and we catch ourselves thinking, and there is the tendency to ask , “Where is God? Why doesn’t God do something about this? Doesn’t God care that this is happening?”  The answer to these questions is Yes, God knows about it; God knows about everything.  Yes, God cares about it very deeply; God cares about everything – God is love!”  Then we ask, “Well then why doesn’t God do something, is God not able?  “Oh yes, God is able, ‘there is nothing too hard for the Lord.’” 


That brings us to the real questions.  Why is God silent? Why doesn’t God act? Why doesn’t God move? What is God waiting for?  I want us to think about that and consider a few answers God has impressed upon my heart and you see what he puts upon your heart as we go along. I want you to pay close attention because this will involve each of our lives as it did the lives of Abraham and Sarah.




He is the sovereign God and He can do anything that He well wishes to do.  “There is nothing to hare for the Lord.”




In the Bible God has made over 30 thousand promises and every one of them He will keep.  They are “yes and amen” in the Lord Jesus Christ, because God made these promises and God cannot lie.  The Bible says in Numbers 23:19, “God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent; hath He said, and He not do it? Or hath He spoken, and shall not make it good?”  Do you know why I know that I am going to Heaven when my life is over here on earth?  I know because God cannot lie!  God promised me eternal life before the world began.


The story is told of an old lady who used to brag about her assurance and her salvation, and about how she knew that she knew she was going to heaven. She had no doubts about going to heaven because she had repented of her sins and received the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. The day came when she was on her death bed and she was still praising God for that assurance that she had in the Lord Jesus Christ. Then one of her skeptical so-called friends  asked her, “Suppose you never make it to heaven, and suppose you find out that God did  not keep his promise, and you have lost your soul?”  She said, “Honey, if I lose my soul, then God will lose a lot more than I.”  This person was very puzzled by that response and asked, “What do you think God would lose more than you?”  She said, “Well, if I lose my soul God would lose His honor because He made me a promise.”  Friends. if anyone who has put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and leaned on Jesus should ever lose his or her soul then God would a lot more than we could ever lose, He would lose His honorTHERE IS NO PROMISE THAT GOD CANNOT KEEP.



“There is nothing too hard for the Lord.”


In the Bible God said in Jeremiah 33, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”   The Bible says that if we pray believing we will receive.  In the Bible Jesus said in Matthew 21:22, “…all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”  That means there are no limits with God.  We can pray for a mountain to be cast into the sea, and it will be done, according to these scriptures if we have enough faith and believe. 


An unknown poet once wrote “Thou art coming to a king, Great petitions with the bring; For His grace and power are such, Thou cannot ask  of Him too much!” In the Bible God asks the question in Genesis 18:14,  “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” In the Bible Jeremiah answered that question in Jeremiah 32:17. “ …there are is nothing too hard for thee.”




If we have a problem today, the solution to our problem is God. I don’t care how big that thing may be, there is nothing bigger than God. God is the solution to all of my problems and your problems.  Some of you didn’t know preachers have any problems.  Really I only have problems only two times a day.  I have them when I am awake and I have them when I go to sleep.  Listen, we all have problems, but there is no problem too big for God.  The Bible says in Psalm 37:3-5, “Trust in the Lord and do good, and so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily, thou shalt be fed, delight thyself also in the Lord and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.  Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass.”  We may ask, “Well, when is He going to do it?  Why hasn’t He solved my problems yet?” 


There are several things we need to understand.  God does not always work the way we think He should work.  God is not tied to a time table.  God does wear a watch.  However, God is never late and God is never early, but God is always right on time every time.  God doesn’t approach things the same way we do every time but God’s ways are always right.  The Bible God says in Isaiah 55:8, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither your ways My ways, saith the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than yours, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  God doesn’t not work on the same thought levels.  Sometimes we think we are so smart and we’ve got everything figured out and we ought to give Him a little help and instruction. 


When those fiery serpents were biting those people out there in the wilderness, those people were praying, “O God, kill these snakes, kill these shakes!” But God didn’t kill the snakes because He had  a different and better way of doing things.  He put a brazen serpent on a pole and said that everyone that looks at it will be healed.  They thought God ought to do one thing and God did something they had never even dreamed of.  However, God solved the problem in His own way.  Today, we ask God, “Why don’t you do away with sin?  Why don’t you get rid of the Devil?” Then God lifts up His Son upon a cross and says, “Believe in Him, receive Him as my free gift to you and you will be saved.”  You see, God may not do things just the way we think He ought to do them, but there is no problem that God cannot solve.


But sometimes we are very foolish and think, “If I were God, I would do this, or I would do that.”  But that can be dangerous, and we should be careful about what we say.  For example: A young farm boy was examining the way the Lord made creation one day and he told his Granddaddy, “If I were God I would have done some things differently.”  Granddaddy said “Is that so? And what might that be?”  The young boy said “Well, look at that great big and strong Oak tree holding on to those little bitty acorns.  Then look at that poor little weak water melon vine having to hang on to those great big water melons.  Now if I had been God, I would have put those little acorns down there on that weak little water melon vine and I would have put those great big water melons up in that big strong Oak tree.”  Granddaddy said, “I’m not so sure son.” Then about that time an acorn fell and hit that young boy right on the head and he quickly said, “Granddaddy, I sure am glad I’m not God!”  Friends, God knows what He is doing!  God know what He is about! THERE IS NO PROMISE GOD CANNOT KEEP, NO PRAYER GOD CANNOT ANSWER, NO PROBLEM GOD CANNOT SOLVE!


D.            THERE IS NO PERSON GOD THAT GOD CANNOT SAVE.  God will save absolutely everybody from the uttermost to the gutter most. The Bible says, “The same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  There is no one so good the need not to be saved and there is no one do bad they cannot be saved.  There is no person who can be such a vile sinner that the soul cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, save.  If you have never received Jesus and you think you are beyond hope because of some past or present sin in your life, or you think you’ve got to take care of a few things on your own before you can be saved you are wrong, wrong, wrong.  I assure you by the authority of God’s Word, you can be saved right now, this very moment if you will call out to God in sincere faith and repentance and believe that Jesus can save you and ask Jesus to come into your life and be your Savior and Lord.  You can’t change enough about yourself to ever deserve Salvation.  You can’t ever work up enough goodness to persuade God that He ought to save you. You can’t make enough promises to God and bargain with God and get saved on a promissory note.  God will save you by His Grace and His Grace alone, through your faith and willingness to repent and trust Him as the crucified and resurrected Lord!


Now, you have listened to what I have said, but deep in your heart you may be still thinking, “IF GOD IS A GOD OF MIGHT AND A GOD OF MIRACLE then why do we have so many problems?  WHY AREN’T MY PRAYERS ANSWERED?  WHY AREN’T MY PROBLEMS SOLVED?  WHY AREN’T MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS SAVED?  WHY DOES IT SEEM LIKE THE PROMISES OF GOD AREN’T KEPT IN MY HEART AND LIFE?”   I sure am glad you asked that question because these questions bring me to the next thing I want to discuss.  First of all we were thinking about THE MAJESTY OF GOD’S LIMITLESS POWER.




Did you know that we as puny men and women can limit Almighty God?  Did you know that sinful men and women can harness and hinder the Divine work of a Sovereign God?  In case there may be some of you Bible (know-it-all’s) who think I am way out in left field and have stretched the point I want you to look at a very interesting passage of Scripture – all in context.  In the Bible Psalm 78:41 speaks of God’s ancient people there in the wilderness and God is trying to lead them out of the land of bondage, through the wilderness, into the Land of Promise, the land that flows with milk and honey.  God really wanted to bless them.  He wanted to pour out His lavish blessings upon them but God was grieved by their rebellion and said, “Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy one of Israel.”  Isn’t that an amazing thing?  They “limited the Holy One of Israel.”

  1. In the Bible God asked the question in Genesis 18:14, “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?”

  2. In the Bible Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 32:17.  “Ah Lord God…there is nothing too hard for thee.” 

  3. Yet, in the Bible Psalm 78:41 says,  “…they…limited the Holy One of Israel.”

 To limit means to set boundaries or to hinder, but how could that be? 


Again, staying in context, let’s turn our thoughts to Matthew 27 for an illustration to help us better understand how this could be.  There we find the story of how the Lord Jesus was taken in the Garden by the chief priests and scribes, the rulers and the soldiers to be judged.  The Bible says in Matthew 27:2, “And when they had bound Him [Jesus], they led Him away…”  THEY BOUND JESUS – THE MIGHTY POWERFUL SON OF GOD!  I don’t know if they used chains, or ropes of something else, but in some way they bound the Holy hands of Jesus. 


Think about that for a moment and let that sink in.  Here was the one who created the universe. The Bible says, “Without Him was not anything made that was made.”  Universes dripped from His finger tips. Worlds came from His words. He spoke and it was so. He spoke and it stood fast.  “All things were made by Him and for Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.”  Here is the one who said, “All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.”  Here is the one who scooped out the seas, heaped up the mountains and flung the sun, the moon and the stars into space.  Here is the one who regulates the universe.  The Bible says, “By Him all things consist.”  Yet, they tied Him up, they bound Him…and He allowed them to do it!  Don’t ever get the idea that Jesus couldn’t have stopped them if He had wanted to. Jesus said, “No man taketh My life from Me, I lay it down of Myself…”  Our Lord Jesus allowed Himself to be bound and limited! “There is nothing too hard for God.”


Okay, but WHY DOESN’T GOD SEEM TO WORK IN OUR LIVES TODAY? Friends, buckle your seatbelts, because I’m going to tell you some things that many preachers and teachers won’t tell you these days because it is not popular, or politically correct or acceptable.  It’s not the kind of teach that lets you go away feeling good.  I’m here to tell you that if that’s what you want you can get a lot of that on television from Joel Olsten.  Okay, The reason God doesn’t seem to be working in our lives and isn’t working in our lives in most cases, is because WE HAVE BOUND THE HANDS OF THE LORDWE HAVE CUFFED THE HANDS OF THE LORDWE HAVE BOUND THE VERY HANDS THAT WANT TO BLESS US! Now I want to qualify this by telling you some of the things that will bind the hands of the Lord in our lives, in our homes, in our families, in our businesses, and in our churches.




Matthew 23:37 Jesus with His hands outstretched is weeping great, salty tears for the city of Jerusalem and says, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens…[NOW LISTEN TO THIS]but ye would not.  He says, “I would have, but you were not willingI wanted to bless youIt’s not because I am limitedI could have blessed you and gathered you and fed you like a mother hen feeds her chickensI could have protected you like a mother hen protects her bitties, and cared for you and warmed you and done everything that needed to be done for youI WOULD HAVE----BUT YOU WOULD NOT!”   They limited the Lord by their unwillingness!


If God is not blessing in our life it is not His fault and it is not because He does not want to bless us.  God wants to bless us more than we want to be blessed.  God wants to pour out his grace, love, peace, happiness, joy, fulfillment, purpose, forgiveness, and mercy upon us today but He will not force it upon us. We can walk around and live our life like everything is the responsibility of someone else and do nothing to make life any better. We can get on our high horses and feel it is our God-given duty to find fault with what others are doing when God is blessing them  and then ask why God isn’t blessing us. Nevertheless, we need to remember, HE WOULD HAVE---BUT---WE WOULD NOT! We can live our life as unwilling and uncommitted toward God and the church as we want to now but when the nursery is empty, when there are no youth, when there are no young adults in attendance and when the Devil moves in and things begin to fall apart and we start to wonder why God isn’t blessing our church we just need to remember, HE WOULD HAVE---BUT---WE WOULD NOT!  Our Lord, with His hands bound, will weep over us just as He wept over Jerusalem so long ago if we allow our UNWILLINGNESS TO BIND THE HANDS OF JESUS.




The Bible says in Revelation 3:20 “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”  This verse is often used in soul-winning and is very appropriate, but in its strict context it is written for Christians.  However, the real question remains, even to people who have their name on the church roles, is our relationship with Jesus real to us?  There is a great difference in having a profession of faith and having a possession of Jesus.  Being Baptized might confirm that we are a member of a fellowship called a church, but that doesn’t make us a Christian any more than sleeping in a garage will make us a car. With everything put aside, pride, performance, history, reputation and all of that, are we certain that if we were to die within the hour we would go to heaven?  Some of us may not have that question settled in our heart and we may be unconcerned, but if we die and we are not saved we WILL go to Hell! When we have that question settled in our heart and we realize that we only have a profession and not a possession of Jesus we will remember that Jesus stood at the door of our heart and wanted to come in, and HE WOULD HAVE---BUT---WE WOULD NOT! 


Some of the most intimate times of fellowship in the Bible is where our Lord met with His disciples over the breaking of bread. In the Bible the book of the Revelation tells us that our Lord says to this church of Laodicea, “Look, you say you are rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing, and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.”  Then Jesus says, “I would thou wert cold or hot…thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of My mouth.”  Here was a church so lukewarm, so unconcerned, that it was actually sickening to God and God says, “You make me sick, I want to just throw up!” Yet, it is to this same church that our Lord is standing at the door and knocking offering to come in.  Jesus could have knocked the door down and barged in, or He could have just walked in without an open door but He didn’t because they limited Him by their Lukewarm Unconcern.


It is easy for us to read about that church and pass judgment but it is a different story to do the necessary self-inventory and see how Lukewarm with UNCONCERN we may be. We need to just look at ourselves.  Are we proud of what we are doing for the Lord?  Is the Lord proud of us for the souls that are being saved because of our ministry and service for Him?  How many people have we as individuals led to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ?  Have we led anyone to Jesus lately? Have we ever led anyone to Jesus?  If everyone was as honest as we are and gave the way we give to the Lord ( which the Lord commands us to tithe of their firstfruits of all we have) could the ministry of the church survive? Could the church afford to do more ministry than it is doing now?  If every member served the Lord like we are serving the Lord how much difference would it make? Would anything at all get done?  Your Pastor (whomever he may be) has devoted his whole life to the ministry of the Lord and has asked his family to make sacrifices for the ministry, and in a sense is married to us 24 hours each day for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and health because God has called him to the ministry and called him to the church. If everyone did what we do to help our pastor and family in any conceivable way, would it make any difference in his life and ministry or the life of his family or are we really unconcerned? If we are UNCONCERNED about any of these things or anything that pertains to the well-being of the church family and the ministry God has saved us to and for and we don’t find God blessing us or the church, we need to just remember HE WOULD HAVE---BUT---WE WOULD NOT!  Our Lord will never break into our life or the life of the church fellowship.  If we want God in our life and in the life of the Church, we have got to be concerned, open the door and never limit the Holy One of Israel and allow our UNCONCERN BIND THE HANDS OF JESUS!




The Bible says in Isaiah 1:18, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, the shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”  It is an amazing thing that the Lord would say, “Hey people, be reasonable.” But He says basically the same thing through Paul. The Bible says in Romans 12:1, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”  The Lord asks His people to do that because He is not going to force them to be reasonable.  He allows Himself to be bound and limited by our unreasonableness if that is what we so choose. There are many of us, right now who have bound Jesus and are keeping Him from blessing us because of our stubborn unreasonableness. There are people right now on a straight path to hell because they are so unreasonable about their silly ideas for not being and getting saved.


An Evangelist went to a man and asked him if he would come and hear him preach that night and the man said “No, I don’t go to church anymore.” The Evangelist asked him why not, and the man said, “When I was a child my mother made me go to church.  She forced church on me and I made up my mind that when I got to become a man and could live on my own I wouldn’t go to church anymore.” The Evangelist smiled and said, “Now why don’t you tell me the real reason you won’t come and hear me preach tonight?” The man said, “What do you mean the real reason? Do you think I am lying? The Evangelist said, “No I don’t THINK you are lying, I KNOW you are lying!” He said, “Listen, when you were a little boy, did your mother make you take bathes?” He said, “Yes.” “When you were a little boy did your mother make you read and write?” He said, “Yes.” “When you were a little boy did your mother make you pick up your clothes and clean up after yourself?” He said, “Yes.” “When you were a little boy did your mother make you brush your teeth?” He said, “Yes.” “When you were a little boy and you got sick did your mother make you go to the doctor?” He said, “Yes.” The Evangelist asked, “Do you still do those things today?” He said, “Yes.” The Evangelist said, “Well, then what you have told me is not the real reason you don’t go to church any more, and there must be something else.”  The man stood there with his head hung down and said, “Now Preacher you are talking too much, my time is running out, I’ve got to go and get ready for church tonight!”  That night he went to the services and gave his heart to the Lord and was saved.   The Bible tells us, “Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord…”  We need to be very careful or our UNREASONABLENESS WILL BIND THE HANDS OF JESUS!




We are told in Isaiah 59:1-2 “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear.”  It is not that God cannot save; it is not that God cannot hear, but uncleanness – unconfessed sin – unrepented sin – just binds the hands of Jesus. It is not that God cannot bless those who are saved. It is not that God cannot bless the church. It is the supposedly hidden dishonest uncleanness – the determined unconfessed sin – the defiant unrepented ongoing sin in the life that just binds the hands of Jesus and holds the blessings of God back from the child of God. For the person that is not a child of God it is those same sins that bind the hands of Jesus because He will not forgive sin that you will not confess and turn away from. No one’s sin is ever cleansed until it is put under the blood of Jesus through confession and repentance because without confession and repentance your uncleanness will bind the hands of Jesus.


The story is told of a little girl who put her hand down into a very expensive vase while she was playing and she couldn’t get it out.  The family did everything they could think of, using soap and oils, trying to remove her hand from the vase but nothing seemed to work.  Finally, they took the extreme measure and broke that very expensive vase and there was her little fist clinched up as tight as could be.  They asked her, “Honey have you had your fist like that the whole time?”  She said, “Yes.”  They asked her, “Well why didn’t you open your hand so it would come out of the vase?”  She said, “Because if I had opened my hand I would have dropped my penny!  She had dropped her penny into the vase and she had reached down to get it and didn’t want to let it go.


There are some today who are clinging to some things like that in  life that need to be released because that tight grip onto uncleanness in your life is binding the hands of Jesus and He cannot bless your life the way he wants too until you do.  There are  some cheap, little 1 cent sins in your life that is keeping your life, the life of your family and the life of your church from being all God wants it to be.  Some may be  just keep holding on to it with a tight fist and saying, “Oh God, why don’t you answer my prayer?  You say there is nothing too hard for you! You say here is not anything you can’t do!” Just remember, HE WOULD HAVE---BUT---YOU WOULD NOT!   UNCLEANNESS WILL BIND THE HANDS OF JESUS.

I could name many other things but I want to mention on last thing as I conclude this straightforward study and soul searching study.




This is the mother sin, the father sin, the sin out of which all these other sins are propagated and grow – the sin of UNBELIEF. Nothing limits our Lord like UNBELIEF! The Bible tells us in Matthew 13:58, in our Lords own hometown where He was raised and grew up in the city of Nazareth, “And He did not many mighty woks there [ WHY? ] because of their unbelief.”  Can Jesus do anything? Yes! He said “all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” “With God all things are possible.” “There is nothing too hard for our Lord.” Nevertheless, there in the hometown of Jesus, “He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.”  That is not a contradiction, because “they limited the Holy One of Israel!”  I want to tell you that FAITH is the channel through which the risen Lord pours His life into the soul.  When a person blocks that channel with UNBELIEF, they limit the Lord. Do you believe God can do anything?  Do you believe God want to bless your life?  Do you believe God wants to bless your church? Do you believe God wants to mend relationships? Do you believe God wants to save lost souls in your community?  If you are not saved, do you believe God wants to save you?  My, oh my, how God will work miracles people will just get the sin out, and I mean ALL the sin out of our life, and loose the hands of Jesus that have been bound.  Let’s be very careful and not limit the Lord by our UNBELIEF! Let’s be very careful and not bind the hands of Jesus by OUR UNREASONABLENESSOUR UNWILLINGNESSOUR UNCONCERNOUR UNCLEANNESS!    Those hands are the hands that want to bless, so they need to be set free in our life, but we are the ones who will make the decision as to whether it happens or not.  God leaves that up to us.  Instead of the end result in our life being HE WOULD HAVE---BUT---WE WOULD NOT!  Why not let it be HE WOULD HAVE AND HE DID---BECAUSE---WE WOULD?  “Is there anything to hard for the Lord?”  “Ah Lord God, there is nothing too hard for thee.”                



To find more help in receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Savior please go to the Bible Study Title Page “ETERNAL LIFE.” Please send me an email and let me know about any decision for Christ you make so that I may pray for you. Feel free to send me any questions, comments, or responses you may have as well. For those who are already Christians I invite you to also please let me know of any decisions you make in your Christian life for Jesus. Please send me your questions, comments, or responses and let me know if the Bible Studies are helping you.




The support of your local Church ministry and the ministry of your Pastor should be the first priority of your Christian life and your service to the Lord. Be faithful to prayerfully prepare and attend Sunday School and Worship Service this Sunday and participate in worship as your Pastor preaches the Word. Do not forget to give the Lord at least your TITHE through your local church from your gross income – that is your first fruits. Any other other giving is an offering to a ministry unto the Lord. Honor the Lord in all you do and with all that you have. Always remember that everything you have and all you are belongs to the Lord. It is on loan to you – so manage it well! There will be an audit one day! Make sure the Books Balance!


All Bible Studies Are Prepared by Pastor Frank Denning And May Be Be Used By Permission.