Philippians - Lesson 4






Series:                   THE JOYFUL CHRISTIAN MIND      (PART 4 OF 4)

Lesson 04:            Philippians 4.1-23 THE JOYFUL MIND OVERCOMES THE PROBLEM OF WORRY



The little book of Philippians is the book in the Bible about how to have a joyful Christian mind. When you read these brief four chapters you will notice that there are two things that run concurrently all the way through the book. One of the themes is the theme of JOY. Over and over again we hear that little bell ringing – there are the joy bells ringing. "Rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice.” The other theme that runs throughout the book is the idea of THE MIND. Many different words that have to do with the mind are used in this book. "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” The people on the earth mind earthly things so you will find all the way through the book emphasis placed on the mind. When we put those two main themes together we get the general theme of THE JOYFUL CHRISTIAN MIND.


If we have a JOYFUL CHRISTIAN MIND we will encounter the four thieves that rob us of Christian joy. 

  1. There is the thief of CIRCUMSTANCES in chapter 1.

  2. There is the thief of PEOPLE in chapter 2.

  3. There is the thief of THINGS in chapter 3.

  4. There is the thief of WORRY in chapter 4.


Worry is a combination of all of the other three thieves that try to rob us of our Christian joy. When we worry we have wrong thinking and wrong feeling about circumstances, people, and things. Therefore, worry really kind of puts it all together. Worry is one of the great problems people are facing. The late Dr. Stephen F. Olford once told me as we were having lunch together that our society can be summed up in three words – hurry – worry – and – bury.


We have some interesting status symbols of our day.

  1. One status symbol of our day is the ULCER.

    We have come to understand that when a person starts having ulcers it's not always what they are eating but many times it is what is eating them.

  2. Another status symbol of out day is STRESS.

    Every were we look it seems that people are all stressed up and have nowhere to go.

  3. A HEART ATTACK has become a status symbol of our day.

    The pressure people are experiencing from everyday life in the family, at work, on the street, in finances, in the world situations, in just life itself is causing many people to cave in to the stress and to the difficulties that they face.


One poet put it this way:

It's not the work but the worry that makes the world grow old,

That numbers the years of its children, ere half their story is told. 

It's not the work but the worry that breaks the heart of man,

That weakens their faith in heaven and the wisdom of God's great plan.”


The word, “worry,” literally means “to pull apart.” It is the exact opposite of the word, “peace.” Paul said in verse 7, "And the peace of God...” I am not a Green scholar but from my research I have found that the Greek word is the word “irana.” We get the girl's name, “Irene,” from this word. The word means “peace.” The word, peace, means “to join together.” When we have peace in our hearts it means that our hearts and our minds are brought together. Worry is the exact opposite because the word, worry, means to pull apart. Paul said in verse 6, "be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer...” He is saying don't worry about anything. (When we worry) (We are thinking and feeling wrong) (About) (Circumstances,) (People,) and (Things.)


Worry is one of those things we sometimes brag about. As you study the Scriptures you will find that the Bible makes it very clear that we are commanded not to worry. Sometimes people will say, "I didn't sleep a wink last night, worried all night long.” Sometimes it is as though we are proud of ourselves because we worry so much. I have never heard anybody say, “I was out robbing banks all night long.” However, sometimes we brag about worry. We seem to be so spiritual when say that we worry about things. Of course we don't use the word, worry. Oh no, we are much to Spiritual to use that word. Most of the time as Christian we just say, “I'm concerned about it,” or “I have a burden about it.” What we need to do is get real and repent so we can enjoy the “Peace of God.”


The Lord Jesus said something about worry in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus said, "Take no thought...” That means don't worry about what you will wear. Don't worry about what you eat and what you drink. All of these kinds of things people worry about but to God's children he says - don't worry about those things. In fact he says, "Your heavenly father knows that you have need of these things."


Some unknown poet wrote:

“Said the robin to the sparrow I would really like to know

Why these restless human beings rush about and worry so.

Said the sparrow to the robin, I guess that it must be

That they have no heavenly father such as cares for you and me.”


God is taking care of us and we never to worry about anything! If the heavenly father's eyes are on the sparrow, if a sparrow falls to the earth and does not escapes the watchful eye of the heavenly father, the Bible says we are of more value than the sparrows of the air and so God is watching over us. His eyes are on the sparrow and I know He watches me!


Worry is one of those things with which we can all really identity and I think it kind of shows us how the whole human personality reacts to a spiritual situation.


The Bible teaches us that man is a trinity. He has three basic natures.

  1. Man has a physical nature – that's the (body.)

  2. Man has a spiritual nature – that's (spiritual.)

  3. Man is a soul – that is his (emotional nature.)

They all three are joined together. That is exactly the way it is in the human personality. When a person has a problem you look for one of these three natures to find the source of that problem.


For instance if a person goes out and breaks their arm you don't have to look too hard. You know that the problem is in the physical nature of the body. It is of a physical nature. Therefore, you go to the doctor and he sets the bone and it begins to mend. Some of the others are not as easy to tend to as that physical problem.


If a person has an emotional problem it's not as easy to identify. Sometime emotional problem are only emotional in nature. Sometimes emotional problems are physical in nature. At other times emotional problems are spiritual in nature. Sometimes the problems people have are interconnected. It may be a combination of one or of all three.


Worry is basically spiritual in nature. When God says in the Bible, don't worry about anything, and then if we worry we have disobeyed God. Therefore, worry becomes a spiritual problem. However, it doesn't end there. If that worry is not dealt with it also affects our emotional nature. Then if you don't deal with it – it not only affects your emotions it also affects your physical nature.


In my records of illustrations I found an article from a book entitled, “Stop Worrying and Get Well.” I do not know who wrote this book, but it pointed out that worry can cause a number of physical problems. The book pointed out that worry can cause heart trouble, high blood pressure, rheumatism, ulcers, colds, migraine headaches, thyroid malfunction and even in extreme situations it can cause blindness.


There is a more recent book by Dean Ornish entitled, “Reversing Heart Disease.” It's a very fascinating book. I do not agree with everything that's in it however, in his research and in his practice he has been able to actually reverse heart disease. When you study what he does you will find out that it is a combination of treating a person in these three circles. A combination of physical, emotional, and spiritual therapy. That's what we are going to do in this Bible Study - a little spiritual therapy. We are going to deal with this old problem of worry. We are going to see how we can move away from wrong thinking and wrong feeling about circumstances and people and things. We are going to talk about how to get victory over worry


I'm aware of the fact that I'm dealing in broad strokes in this study and I am dealing with the subject in a broad manner. There are areas here that are much more complex than what I'm going to be able to deal with. However, I want to attempt to show you that THE JOYFUL MIND OVERCOMES THE PROBLEM OF WORRY.


Paul said in verse 7, "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Worry gets us thinking in the wrong way and feeling in the wrong way and it literally pulls us apart. However, God in these verses of Scripture shows us how to leave the wilderness of worry and move into the palace of peace. We are going to talk about the steps that will get us from worry to peace.




That's the first step that will lead us from worry to peace – the right kind of praising. Paul said in verse 4, "Rejoicing in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” Keep in mind who is writing this. This is not somebody who has never had a problem in his life. This is not somebody who is on easy street. This is the Apostle Paul. When Paul penned these words under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he was a prisoner in a Roman dungeon. He didn't know what day was going to be his last day. He was facing problems in the Christian community. He was facing problems even in the Philippian church.


In verse 2 he tells us there are two women in the church who weren't getting along. "I beseech Euodias, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord.” They were out of joint with one another. He is trying to deal with problems in the church. Here is a man facing impending death. He has jealous preachers there in Rome who are preaching out of envy and strife. Here is the church he is writing to and they have some difficulties and problems there. Yet, in the midst of it all, Paul says, "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say rejoice.” What kind of praising is this? What is it that makes the joy bells just keep on ringing in spite of circumstances, people, and things?


Notice how Paul puts it. "Rejoice in the Lord alway...” Then it is as if he stops for a moment and contemplates everything that may be ahead and he says, "And again I say rejoice.” In spite of what's ahead of us, in spite of what we may face tomorrow, in spite of the problems we may be dealing with right now – Paul says again “I want to say to you, rejoice.”


What kind of praising is that?

Is that one of those silly kind of deals where you just smile and just grin like an opossum and pretend like you are aloof of all that is going on around you? I like to smile and I think it is great to smile, but it's more than just smiling. It is not just taking the attitude of putting a silly grin on your face all day long and walking around like some kind of nut from the insane asylum. That is good to walk around with a pleasant smile on your face but that’s not what he's talking about here. You look a lot better with a smile on your face than you do with a frown and a wrinkled forehead. He's going deeper than that.


Is this when and where you just praise God for the good things that come in your life? Paul says, "Rejoice in the lord always.” He is talking about an out-of-the-ordinary kind of praising right there. In the good times, praise the Lord. In the bad times, praise Lord. What's the secret? How can you get into this kind of praising regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the people problems you face and regardless of the things with which you have to deal in life? The key is the little prepositional phrase in the middle of the verse. Paul didn't just say rejoice. He didn't say just whatever happens just ha, ha, ha. Did you see that little prepositional phrase? Don't miss it, that's the key. He says rejoice IN THE LORD. That's the secret. We learn to rejoice in the Lord. It's not that we rejoice in the bad things that happen to us. It is not that we rejoice in the difficulties that come along the way. However, WE LEARN TO REJOICE IN THE ATMOSPHERE OF THE LORD. That's the way this whole book starts out. That's why most of the Bible is written for believers. Most of the Bible is a closed book to unsaved people. About the only thing unsaved people can understand in the Bible is how to be saved. The Bible is a closed book to those who have never been saved.


There was an unbelieving professor who was making fun of the Bible in front of his students one day. There was a Christian young man sitting there. The professor was reviling the things in the Bible and he says, "Why, the Bible doesn't make any sense, I pick up the Bible and read it and it's just a bunch of mumbo, jumbo to me. Doesn't make a bit of sense.” Finally the young Christian student had all he could stand of it. He said, "Sir, that's what you get for reading somebody else's mail.”


This is our book. This belongs to those who are in the Lord. That's the way the book of Philippians starts off. Back in Chapter 1 and verse 1 it says, "Paul and Timothy, the servants of Jesus Christ to all the saints in Christ Jesus.” If we are saved, we are in Christ. If we are saved, spiritually we are located in Jesus. If we are saved we have two addresses. I live at – 4577 Faith Lane, Hudson, North Carolina 28638 – that's my geographical location. However, I have another address; it’s my mansion in the sky at – Eternity Avenue, Heaven – because I am a citizen of heaven. I am in the Lord. If I am in Jesus then He becomes the source of my joy. He becomes the source of my praise. He is the One who can put a hallelujah chorus in our heart regardless of what is going on on the outside. We can have a song of praise going on on the inside of us regardless of what we are facing on the outside. That is much deeper than a silly grin on our face. That is something that gets down to the very core of our being. That is the first thing we have to learn – that is where we get our joy. We get our joy IN THE LORD. THERE MUST BE THE RIGHT KIND OF PRAISING.




Paul said in verse 6, "Be careful for nothing, (don't worry about anything) but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” He is talking about praying. He is talking about the right kind of praying. He is really saying here don't worry about anything, but pray about everything.


There was a cartoon in a Christian magazine of a church member who had gone into the Educational Director's office and in the picture they were dealing with a problem. The Educational Director said to the member, "I guess we better pray about this.” The member got all in a panic and said, "Has it come to that?” That's the way a lot of Christians are. They have the attitude – “why pray when you can worry?” However, the Bible says “Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything.” 


Paul uses three important words here in the area of prayer:


  1. He uses the word “prayer,” which is the general word for prayer. This use of the word carries with it the idea of adoration. It's a word that points us to devotion and worship. When we have problems and difficulties and circumstances that are adverse, one of the best things we can do is just get alone with the Lord and just worship Him. Focus our thoughts upon God and His greatness and His glory and His grace. There is something therapeutic about learning to just get in the presence of God in prayer. That's why I urge everyone and underscore the importance of having a daily quiet time or a devotional time. Call it anything you want, but please have it. As the beautiful old song goes, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus; look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.” Problems never look quite as big when we look at them through the lens of the greatness of our God. We must learn to just pray. Get in the atmosphere of devotion and adoration and magnifying the Lord.


  1. Paul uses the word “supplication,” which carries the idea of asking God for things. He expands on that when he says, "Let your requests be made known unto God.” This verse says we can ask God for things. We can ask God for help in paying our bills. Young people can ask God to help them in their school work. We can ask God to help us get along with our unsaved neighbors. What have we asked God for lately? If God answered a prayer for us, would we know it? Are we asking God for anything? I've got things written down that I'm asking God for. When God answers and gives me those things I'm asking for I mark it off that He answered it. In one way or another, at some time, God answers every prayer. Yes, He does. Whether or not we realize it we get our answer even if we didn't get what we wanted. There are three ways God answers prayer. God may say, yes. God may say, no. God may say, not right now – just wait a while longer.


Sometimes God says “YES” and when He does it such a wonderful thing. It is because it is within His will and for His purpose and for our good and we must always give him thanks. I will address that more in a moment.   


Sometimes God says “NO” for our own good. When our children were coming along they got to the stage where they wanted a trampoline. I never would let them have one. I always felt like they were too dangerous at the time and I wouldn't let them have one. However, as time went along and they got more mature and came to a different point in life they were able to have other things. Nevertheless, there were times when I still said no to certain things they wanted. I didn't say no them because I didn't love them, I said no to them because I did love them. My “no” was an expression of my love. We have a heavenly father who is far wiser and far more loving than any earthly father could ever be. Sometimes we ask God for stupid things. Sometimes God says “no.” Ladies, be honest. Aren't you really glad that God didn't give you that first old boy you asked Him to give you? Some of you thought you just had to have him, he was so handsome, and you thought he was the love of your life. You prayed endlessly for God to give you Bernard Switchback. Have you seen Bernard Switchback lately? Aren't you glad God didn't answer that prayer? All of us can look back and see some things we asked God for and we sure are real glad now He didn't give them to us.


Sometimes God says “WAIT” because we are not ready for what we ask God for. Sometimes we are not mature enough to get what we ask God for. Therefore, we have the privilege by prayer of coming into the presence of God and worshipping Him. We have the privilege of coming into the presence of the creator of the heavens and the earth and letting our requests be made known unto Him. Sometimes God makes us wait because he wants us to grow and get closer to Him and more mature and have the proper time to stretch our faith.


  1. Paul uses the word “thanksgiving,” which is one of the most important parts of prayer. My wife, Susan, always taught our children to say thank you for everything we gave them. What kind of child is it who never expresses any thanksgiving to their father or mother for the things they give them? How does the heavenly father feel when He gives us all these blessings and we never thank Him. Thanksgiving is one of the keys to the Christian life. One of the most healthy things we can do is to learn to have an attitude of gratitude. With thanksgiving – that is the right kind of praying.


We are making some big steps now! We are stepping out of the wilderness of worry and heading toward that palace of peace. We must have to have the right kind of praising and we must have the right kind of praying.




I'm talking about our daily life. Practicing our daily life with THE JOYFUL MIND OVERCOMES THE PROBLEM OF WORRY is based on right thinking and right living. What Paul said in verse 8 is a key verse to the Christian life. "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things of lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” He is talking about what we think about. He is talking about what we put our mind on.




The whole battle in the Christian life is won or lost in the mind. We have two who are trying to take control of our mind. There is God who wants control of our mind and there is Satan who wants control of our mind. God works on the human mind by means of truth. Satan works on the human mind by means of lies. The question is who is going to win out? Are we going to surrender our mind to think according to God's truth or are we going to surrender our mind to think according to the devil's lies. That is where the television programs we watch comes in, that is where the books we read comes in, that is where the magazines we read comes in, that is where the movies we watch comes in. These things either put truth or lies in our mind. It is no wonder some people are all messed up psychologically and spiritually. There are some people who have filled their minds with the likes of this old world. How can a person ever expect to be a whole, well person if they never allow God to get His truth in their mind through the reading and studying of His Word and are just constantly filling their mind with the garbage of this old world. If you put garbage in your stomach it will make your body sick. If you put garbage in your mind it will make your soul and your spirit sick. We have a lot of sick people running around in this world because they have filled their minds with garbage. People, especially Christian people, need to get our thoughts in the right direction. The Bible says we are to bring every thought into captivity unto the obedience of Christ. Right thinking.


That's what has to happen to a person who gets saved. When a person gets saved, all of this time they have been filling their mind and their heart with things that are not true, with things that are not right, with things that are not pure, and with things that are not lovely. They have filled their lives with lies, profanity, wrong thinking, wrong philosophies, and wrong points of view. The music of this country has shaped the thinking of generations and since the rock music and especially the hard rock and now the rap music came on the scene the American people have gone down the tubes spiritually because they have believed the lies of the lyrics of that kind of music that they have been listening to. There are some Christians who got saved who have never really got unaddicted to that rotten music. Until you face up to the fact that you are still letting your mind be pumped full of lies through the wrong kind of music you are never going to make any progress in your Christian life. "Think on these things.” Pure things, holy things, right things. Right thinking.


Paul said in verse 9, "Those things which you have both learned and received and heard and seen in me do.” Right thinking leads to right doing. Right thinking leads to right living. He says if we do those things the God of peace shall be with us. The reason some people don't have peace in their heart is because they are not right with God. The reason some people have worry in their life is because they are wrong with God. If you are wrong with God then you have a need to worry until you get right with Him. The reason some people feel guilty is because they are guilty. I know that there is some guilt in the heart of some people because that guilt is imposed guilt and that is a form of abuse. I know that there is false guilt that should not be there because it is unwarranted. However, guilt is one of the healthiest emotions that God ever gave the human personality. Because true guilt is a signal to us that something is wrong in our relationship between ourselves and God. Don't fall for this garbage that gets people to think that a person doesn’t ever feel guilty. I have heard people give the excuse, "I don't want to go to church, because it makes me feel bad." The truth is we can't feel good until until feel bad. We have to learn that guilt, many times, is a symptom of sin in our life. We have to go to the root problem, find the sin, get the sin confessed before God, start living right and we will find out we won't be worrying about all that guilt in our life like we have been for so long. It really is not that difficult but the devil wants us to keep listening to him so we will stay in that guilt pattern and worry instead of having peace.




Paul said in verse 11, "I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content." He's talking about whatever condition he's in – to be content. Here's the picture of a man who is living his life and he is content. I've already told you about the bad circumstances Paul was in and about the people problems he had and the things there. Yet, here Paul says “I've learned to be content.” What does the word, “content,” mean? It literally means to be self contained. It's a very interesting word in the original language. It was sometimes used of countries that had everything necessary to their own sustenance within their own borders. They didn't have to import anything from outside. It's the idea today of the self contained apartments. There are some places, some cities where there are apartment complexes that are self contained. These places have everything you need and everything you would want to live. Today there are a wide variety of assisted living places for the elderly like that. There are some that are modest and affordable to the financially less capable. Then there are other places where they have a barbershop, a beauty shop, a grocery store, an ice cream parlor, a swimming pool, an exercise room, entertainment, crafts, and all kinds of amenities – all depending on your finances. At some places absolutely everything is self contained to the point that the people do not even have to go outside to get anything. It's all right on the inside of the building – again, all depending on your finances.


Paul is saying here, "I have learned to be self contained.” Is Paul bragging? No, Paul is saying he has some hidden resources that this old world doesn't know anything about. That is the way it is for those who are saved. If we are saved we have some resources on the inside. We have some resources that this world doesn't have. We don't have to cave in to worry. We can have the peace of God in our heart because we have resources on the inside. What are those resources?


We have God's power. Paul said in verse 13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” If Paul had said he could do all things, period, he would have been the supreme egotists. However, he didn't put a period. He said he “could do all things through Christ WHO” - the word literally means puts power on the inside of me. That's good to know. We have power inside of us. We have Jesus inside of us. We are in Christ and Christ is in us. The power of Jesus Christ is available to us. That power resides on the inside. 


"I can do all things through Christ.” Whoopee! I've always wanted to ski and never could before but now I am going to because I can do all things! It's like my daddy after he had a knee replacement. After the surgery and when he started to feel better and started walking pretty well he asked the Doctor, “Now that my knee has been replaced, does that mean that I will be able to dance?” The doctor said, "Sure. I don’t see why not.” My daddy looked at my mother with a smile and said, “That is going to be great, because I have never been able to dance in my whole life.” No, that's not what he means. Use your noggin. He doesn't mean all things like skiing or dancing when you have two left feet. He is saying you can do all things that God wants you to do through the power that God has put in your life. It is by God's power! What a resource!


We have God's provision. Paul said in verse 19, "But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” He didn't say he would supply all your greed, but all your need. He said he would supply it according to his riches. He didn't say out of his riches, but He said according to his riches. What's the difference? Bill Gates, the head of Microsoft is worth over 12 billion dollars. That would buy a lot of bubblegum. That's big bucks. Suppose I'm going up to see Bill Gates tomorrow. He's looking forward to seeing me. I'm going to say, "Mr. Gates, I'm just a Baptist preacher down here in Hudson, North Carolina, and I read that you have 12 billion dollars. I could use some of that. There are some things I could do with some of that money. I just wonder if you would write me a check.” Just suppose Bill Gates is generous and says, "Sure, preacher, I'd be happy to write you a check.” Therefore, he just pulls out a checkbook and writes a check. Frank Denning - $1.25 – signs it: Bill Gates. Now, you see, (he has supplied me out of his riches.)


However, that's not the way God does it. God says, "I'll supply your need according to my riches.” God says, "I'll just sign a blank check, you fill in what you need.” That's power and that's provision. Why should we worry? I have a heavenly father who owns the cattle on a thousand hills and he says it's all at my disposal. He's going to meet my every need.


Paul said in verse 7, "and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep...” The word was used of a Roman soldier standing guard at the gates. The peace of God shall stand guard at your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. He just puts them together.

  1. We have God's power. What's your worry?

  2. We have God's provision. What's your worry?

  3. We have God's peace. What's your worry?




Do you know Jesus as your personal Savior?




To find more help in receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Savior please go to the Bible Study Title Page “ETERNAL LIFE.” Please send me an email and let me know about any decision for Christ you make so that I may pray for you. Feel free to send me any questions, comments, or responses you may have as well. For those who are already Christians I invite you to also please let me know of any decisions you make in your Christian life for Jesus. Please send me your questions, comments, or responses and let me know if the Bible Studies are helping you.





The support of your local Church ministry and the ministry of your Pastor should be the first priority of your Christian life and your service to the Lord. Be faithful to prayerfully prepare and attend Sunday School and Worship Service this Sunday and participate in worship as your Pastor preaches the Word. Do not forget to give the Lord at least your TITHE through your local church from your gross income – that is your first fruits. Any other other giving is an offering to a ministry unto the Lord. Honor the Lord in all you do and with all that you have. Always remember that everything you have and all you are belongs to the Lord. It is on loan to you – so manage it well! There will be an audit one day! Make sure the Books Balance!


All Bible Studies Are Prepared by Pastor Frank Denning And May Be Be Used By Permission.